Sunday, August 3, 2014


Hello teens....

Do you know, skin is the largest organ in humans? Skin is the largest and fastest growing organ in your body. Skin is your body's coat and it protects you. Top part your skin is epidermis. Your skin helps you to stay warm when it's cold and stay cool when it's hot.


There are three main layers of your skin.

layers of the skin
  • Epidermis is the top layer of the skin, the part of the skin you see.
  • Dermis is the second layer of the skin. It is much thicker and does a lot for your body.
  • Subcutaneous Fat is the bottom layer.


In medicine, the colloquial term "touch" is usually replaced with "somatic senses" to better reflect the variety of mechanisms involved. Touch receptors in our skin is known as somatosensory system. Within the somatosensory system,there are four main types of receptors ; mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, pain receptors and proprioceptors. 

1. Mechanoreceptors : These receptors perceive sensations such as pressure, vibrations, and texture. For you level knowledge, there are two mechanoreceptors that you should know. Meissner's corpuscles ( senses touch ) and Pacinian corpuscles  ( senses pressure ).

2. Thermoreceptors : These receptors perceive sensations related to the temperature of objects the skin feels. They are found in the dermis layer of the skin. There are two basic categories of thermoreceptors: hot and cold receptors.

3. Pain receptors : and also known as nocireceptors. These receptors detect pain or stimuli that can or does cause damage to the skin and other tissues of the body. They can detect pain that is caused by mechanical stimuli (cut or scrape), thermal stimuli (burn), or chemical stimuli (poison from an insect sting).


This is the diagram to show you the pain pathway.

pain pathway: pain receptor to brain

This is how the way you feel pain. When the stimuli of pain receive on your pain receptors. It will activated. A signal travel up the nerve to your spinal cord and activated the other nerves that pass signals to your brain. Then, your brain will release the signals on to the somatosensory cortex , frontal cortex and limbic system. The end of the results is you feel the pain on your finger and give reaction as "ouch!".

Now, do you understand how your skin works through the senses of touch?
Easy right?

Happy learn and study teens!


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